Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Clownfish laying eggs aquarium

Two Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris, or false percula clownfish) laying their fourth nest of eggs.

Clownfish laying eggs aquarium
Source: Youtube video

Friday, June 3, 2011

Enchanted Aquarium - Clownfish and Anemone dominated tank reef aquarium

Enchanted Aquarium - Clownfish and Anemone dominated tank reef aquarium

7 clownfishes in a 210 gallon reef tank with rose and green anemones and ritteri aka h. magnifica anemene. Two have paired up and are laying eggs next to the magnifica anemone.
Music by Douglas Morton song Phylum Chordata from
Mysteries of the Deep, from Monterey Bay Aquarium
Source: Youtube video

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to Take Care of Clownfish

How to Take Care of Clownfish

ArticleCity.com Videos
Learn how attractive and fun clownfish can be. Specific requirements for keeping them and their host anemones is covered along with compatability of various clownfish with each other as well as other saltwater fish.
Source: http://www.articlecity.com video

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Clownfish Families

Clownfish Families

Author: Phil Wind

Thanks to Disney, everyone knows arguable the worlds most famous fish: Nemo , and the clownfish's interesting relationship with the Sea Anemone . However, not everyone knows all of the interesting things about young clownfish.  Young clownfish including Percula, Ocellaris or "False," Maroon, Tomato and others have not yet chosen a gender.  As they grow and mature, a group of clownfish will form a "pod," which is kind of like a family!

Each Pod may have between 2 and 6 fish, and within the pod a dominance or "pecking order" will be established.  The largest and most aggressive fish will grow into the female, the 2nd largest will become the male, and the rest will all stay juvenile "sub adults."   If anything ever happens to the male, the next largest fish will mature and take his place.

Now here is the interesting part.  If the female leaves the pod, the male will then be the largest and most dominant.  He will then grow and become female.  The next largest fish will take his place as the new male.

Clownfish are by far the most loved and common of all saltwater aquarium fish, and for good reason!  They have bright colors, interesting personalities and nearly all those available in the trade are tank raised.  This is important because it reduces the impact on natural reefs, and produces fish that are healthy and accustomed to life in captivity.  But the #1 reason clowns are so popular is that they form a symbiotic bond with Anemones !

Watching your clowns frolic in their anemone is one of the greatest joys of having a reef tank.  Just keep in mind, your baby clowns have never seen an anemone in their lives and it may take them some time to get used to the idea.

For more information, see Reef eScape
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/clownfish-families-463220.html

About the Author

Reef Aquarium Maintenance and Service for the Virginia and Washington D.C. Area

Monday, May 30, 2011

Recreate The Clown Loach Fish's Natural Environment

Recreate The Clown Loach Fish's Natural Environment

Author: Preston Mane

Clown loach fish are only found in Indonesia (specifically on Borneo and Sumatra). They live in murky backwater rivers where the water may be moving swiftly or standing still. The waters are densely vegetated and there is plenty of food for the feisty bottom-feeding clown loaches. They are on omnivorous and often enjoy eating crustaceans in the area or nibble on plants in the water. Borneo and Sumatra both straddle the equator so the temperature is quite high for most of the year. The temperature of the waters that the clown loach live in hovers around 74-85 degrees Fahrenheit (23-29 degrees Celsius). They live in large groups and densely populate the river beds. It is in the clown loaches nature to hide and they love hiding in spaces that they can barely fit into or dig themselves into the river bed with only their head sticking out.
How can you use this basic information in designing a comfortable aquarium for clown loaches to live in?
First and foremost, the clowns love to have places to hide and plenty of vegetation. You can build little caves with rocks or buy cave objects at the store. You can use old plastic piping, or that old model car you use to play with when you were younger. You can use pretty much anything to make a hiding place for a clown loach, but you want to make sure that there are no sharp edges. Since they enjoy squeezing into areas that are probably too small for them to be squeezing into you don't want them to get caught on sharp edges and injure themselves. As for the vegetation, pretty much anything will do, but if you want to go all out you can use plants that grow in Borneo's or Sumatra's rivers; for example, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Pista stratiotes, or Nuphar japonicum. The older the clowns become the more they like to nibble on vegetation, so stick to the fast growing and robust species of plants.
Clown loaches sometimes dig themselves into the substrate of an aquarium, so make sure there is nothing sharp in the substrate since it may do them harm. It is also a good idea to create a current in the aquarium that the clown loaches can swim against. They are fast swimmers and they can grow to be quite large (up to 12 inches or 30 centimeters). That being said, you may have to upgrade to a larger aquarium. For full grown clown loaches, a 125 gallon (540 Litre) tank is recommended. This is one of the reasons that buying a clown loach is a long-term commitment. They can live to be more than 10 years old!
After the setup and organization of the clown fish tank, there is still the problem of water quality. They are very sensitive to the water quality and they become sick much more easily than most other aquarium fish. Their natural waters have a pH that tends to be acidic (pH = 5-7) and water hardness between 7 and 12. After achieving those properties in your tank and keeping the water temperature between about 74-85F (23-28C) your clown loaches should be pretty happy.
Don't forget that clown loaches get lonely really easily and when they're lonely they get stressed, their growth may stunt, their colours may fade (don't confuse this is with the 'graying out' of their colours with age) and they may die young. So, always keep your clowns in a group of at least 5 and they should be as happy as peas in a pod.
The process of analyzing a fishes natural habitat and then trying to mimic it in an aquarium is known as biotyping. It is an idea that is recommended by many aquarists.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/recreate-the-clown-loach-fishs-natural-environment-4061889.html

About the Author

Go to my website right now to learn more about the clown loach fish. While you are there sign up for my aquarium tips newsletter and learn a thing or two about the clown fish tank.   

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Feeding and Care Habits of Salt Water Clown Fish

Feeding and Care Habits of Salt Water Clown Fish

Author: Groshan Fabiola

When you look at salt water fish for sale, you always have to think about what you are going to feed them.  You must also consider whether the other creatures in your salt water fish aquarium will get along with these new fish that you are bringing in.  This is especially true of salt water clown fish.  There is a great deal of information available on the feeding and care of these clown fish that is extremely helpful for the hobbyist making their first salt water purchases.
One of the first things that you should know about salt water clown fish is that they are omnivores and not herbivores as any people mistakenly believe.  Plant and vegetable pellets are not the best choice for clown fish.  It is better instead to buy foods that include both meat and vegetable ingredients.  And just as you would want to do with any of the creatures in your salt water fish aquarium, you want to make sure their food is high in vitamins.
If you wanted to mimic the foods that clown fish eat in the wild, you could feed them virtually any salt water creatures below them in the food chain.  They feed on small shrimp, algae, zooplankton and copepods, although they tend to eat more vegetables in the winter and proteins in the summer.  They will eat whenever they can and will even horde food to take advantage of what is available in the present time.  So you may feed the clown fish whatever is available – just don’t overfeed them, since they will most likely overeat.
It is important to learn about the eating habits of any salt water fish for sale that you are thinking about buying.  So make sure to continually drop food for your clown fish until he starts to spit some out, feed him shrimps and other foods that they would eat in nature, and make sure they have a good omnivorous diet.  Learning all the eating and care habits upfront will ensure a happy relationship with your new fish from the start.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-and-family-articles/feeding-and-care-habits-of-salt-water-clown-fish-1747408.html

About the Author

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